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  1. KL Auschwitz was the largest of the German Nazi concentration camps and extermination centers. Over 1.1 million men, women and children lost their lives here. Education. There is no way to understand postwar Europe and the world without an in-depth confrontation between our idea of mankind and the remains of Auschwitz.

  2. The history of Auschwitz is exceptionally complex. It combined two functions: a concentration camp and an extermination center. Nazi Germany persecuted various groups of people there, and the camp complex continually expanded and transformed itself.

  3. It is essential to visit both parts of the camp, Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau, in order to acquire a proper sense of the place that has become the symbol of the Holocaust of the European Jews as well as Nazi crimes againt Poles, Romas and other groups.

  4. It is essential to visit both parts of the camp, Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau, in order to acquire a proper sense of the place that has become the symbol of the Holocaust as well as Nazi crimes againt Poles, Romas and other groups.

  5. KL Auschwitz był największym z niemieckich nazistowskich obozów koncentracyjnych i ośrodków Zagłady. Życie straciło tu ponad 1,1 mln mężczyzn, kobiet i dzieci.

  6. Español. AUSCHWITZ-BIRKENAU — HISTORIA Y PRESENTE. El Museo Estatal Auschwitz-Birkenau ofrece un completo servidor de internet en inglés y polaco. De forma particular recomendamos las subpáginas dedicadas a la historia del antiguo campo de concentración y exterminio alemán nazi así como a la organización de la visita al Lugar de la ...

  7. 9 de mar. de 2024 · Over 1.2 million people have already visited the Auschwitz Memorial and Museum in 2024; this year's numbers are expected to exceed 1.8 million. There is a great deal of interest in visiting the site of the former German Nazi concentration and extermination camp, leading many individuals to avail themselves of tour companies that ...

  8. • The grounds and buildings of the Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau camps are open to visitors. The duration of a visit is determined solely by the individual interests and needs of the visitors. As a minimum, however, at least three-and-a-half hours should be reserved.

  9. Auschwitz, the German Nazi concentration and extermination camp, is the most recognizable symbol of the Holocaust and place of genocide in the world. Never, and in no other camp or extermination center did the SS murder such a great number of Jews from nearly all the Nazi occupied Europe.

  10. The State Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum provides a full Internet service in English and Polish. In particular we recommend pages dedicated to the history of the former Nazi concentration camp, the organization of visits to the Memorial and a series of educational programmes.

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