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  1. 30 de may. de 2019 · The flat arrows are a cartoon representation of β-strands (one type of regular hydrogen-bonded secondary structure). The direction of the arrow is the direction of the amino acid sequence (arrow head pointing towards the C-terminus). The thin wires are regions with no regular structure.

  2. 8 de feb. de 2019 · Ptolemy is a tool that is able to compare genome architectures without the need of a reference in a gene graph with vertices representing genes. The interpretation of these gene graphs can however be difficult without visualization, and currently few tools provide biological depth when representing these graphs.

  3. 30 de nov. de 2023 · This tutorial introduces the visualization of gene maps with arrows in R using the ggplot2 and gggenes packages. It provides a linear representation of gene strain segments in genomes, commonly employed in scientific publications for gene description.

  4. For example, an arrow representation showing transcription of RNA from a DNA template and another arrow showing lateral gene transfer in a phylogeny both show a flow of information, but over different scales.

  5. The open reading frame (ORF) of a gene is therefore usually represented as an arrow indicating the direction in which the sense strand is read. Regulatory sequences are located at the extremities of genes. These sequence regions can either be next to the transcribed region (the promoter) or separated by many kilobases (enhancers and silencers).

  6. The Genes from DNA is what defines the structure of RNA. What the arrow could mean is a specific strand of DNA that is used in RNA. Arrows are not found only in biology representations, they are also used extensively in the field of organic chemistry to demonstrate a variety of concepts.

  7. geom_gene_arrow() is a ggplot2 geom that represents genes with arrows. The start and end locations of the genes within their molecule(s) are mapped to the xmin and xmax aesthetics respectively. These start and end locations are used to determine the directions in which the arrows point.