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  1. William Sanger (November 12, 1873 – July 23, 1961) was a German-born and American-educated architect and artist. He was the first husband of Margaret Sanger. Early life and education. Born in Berlin, Germany, Sanger came from a devoutly Jewish family which moved to the United States in about 1878.

  2. Learn about the life and work of William Sanger, a German-born artist who studied in New York and Paris and painted in Spain. He was also an architect, a WPA artist, and a birth control activist.

  3. Learn about the life and work of William Sanger, who was born in Berlin in 1873 and became a prominent figure in the American art and labor movements. He studied architecture in New York and Paris, married a radical organizer, and painted in the Post-Impressionist style.

  4. 5 de ago. de 2016 · Una muerte inesperada o una existencia difícil dirigen el camino de muchos hombres y mujeres. Es lo que podría haberle pasado a Margaret Sanger, una enfermera con profundos sentimientos feministas que luchó toda su vida por el control de la natalidad.

  5. 21 de nov. de 2020 · Margaret Sanger fue la fundadora de Planned Parenthood, organización que promueve la anticoncepción, y una referente del feminismo de principios del siglo XX en Estados Unidos.

  6. 13 de may. de 2016 · William Sanger was a radical and revolutionary at heart, a romantic, a fighter for his beliefs and a political philosopher (he was working on an illustrated biography of Thomas Paine at his death). He fought against injustice and poverty his whole life.

  7. 11 de sept. de 2020 · Un resumen de la vida de Margaret Sanger, activista e impulsora de la anticoncepción en los EEUU. Margaret Sanger fue una enfermera estadounidense crucial en la lucha a favor del control de la natalidad. En vida fundó diversas asociaciones promotoras del uso de anticonceptivos y la planificación familiar.