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  1. The Lawless Roads (1939) (published as Another Mexico in the United States) is a travel account by Graham Greene, based on his 1938 trip to Mexico, to see the effects of the government's campaign of forced anti-Catholic secularization and how the inhabitants had reacted to the brutal anti-clerical purges of President Plutarco Elías Calles via ...

  2. El hombre que busca una escenografía se imagina bosques extraños y montañas insólitas; el romántico cree que las mujeres allende la frontera serán más hermosas y complacientes que las de casa; el infeliz se imagina cuando menos un infierno distinto; el viajero suicida espera una muerte que nunca se encuentra. Graham Greene, Los caminos ...

  3. 27 de jun. de 2006 · The Lawless Roads is a non-fiction account of a trip Graham Greene took in 1937 to report on the persecution of Catholics in the Mexican states of Chiapas and Tabasco.

  4. In the late 1930s, Graham Greene was commissioned to visit Mexico to report on how the inhabitants had reacted to the brutal anticlerical purges of President Calles. The Lawless Roads is his spellbinding record of that journey.

  5. Describe a principios de su crónica The Lawless Roads la llegada del padre Miguel Pro a Veracruz en 1926, cuando era un joven de apenas 25 años. Habla de los artilugios que empleó para dar comunión cada día a cientos de personas.

  6. In the late 1930s, Graham Greene was commissioned to visit Mexico to report on how the inhabitants had reacted to the brutal anticlerical purges of President Calles. The Lawless Roads is his spellbinding record of that journey.

  7. In the late 1930s, Graham Greene was commissioned to visit Mexico and find out how the inhabitants had reacted to the brutal anti-clerical purges of President Calles.