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  1. Mairead Maguire o Mairead Corrigan-Maguire (Belfast, Irlanda del Norte, 27 de enero de 1944) es una activista y cofundadora, junto con Betty Williams, del Movimiento para la Paz en Irlanda del Norte, una organización que buscó soluciones pacíficas al conflicto armado norirlandés.

  2. Mairead Maguire (born 27 January 1944), also known as Mairead Corrigan Maguire and formerly as Mairéad Corrigan, is a peace activist from Northern Ireland.

  3. Mairead Corrigan. (Mairead Maguire; Belfast, 1944) Pacifista irlandesa. Fundadora de la Comunidad Popular por la Paz, trató de promover un amplio movimiento pacifista que incluyera a católicos y protestantes para hacer frente a la violencia del Ulster.

  4. Mairead Corrigan. The Nobel Peace Prize 1976. Born: 27 January 1944, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Residence at the time of the award: United Kingdom. Role: Founder of the Northern Ireland Peace Movement (later renamed Community of Peace People)

  5. Mairead Maguire o Mairead Corrigan-Maguire (Belfast, Irlanda del Norte, 27 de enero de 1944) es una activista y cofundadora, junto con Betty Williams, de Gente por la Paz, una organización que buscó soluciones pacíficas al conflicto armado norirlandés.

  6. Biographical. Co-founder of Community of Peace People with Mr. Ciaran McKeown and Mrs Betty Williams – Founded 14/8/76. Name: Mairead Corrigan (Miss) Age: 27 January 1944. Place of Birth: Belfast, Northern Ireland. Parents: Father – Window Cleaning Contractor.

  7. Mairead Maguire, Northern Irish peace activist who, with Betty Williams and Ciaran McKeown, founded the Peace People, a grassroots movement of both Roman Catholic and Protestant citizens dedicated to ending the sectarian strife in Northern Ireland.