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  1. The Frontrooms, better known as "the universe" or "reality," is the juxtaposition of The Backrooms; both are parallel to one another. The Frontrooms is the entrance and exit in and out of the Backrooms, regarded as a promised land amongst wanderers.

  2. The Frontrooms is the term for anywhere inside the bounds of normal reality. It is outside The Backrooms, a statement often brought into question by the existence of The Blue Channel. Documenting the levels, entities, objects and phenomena of the Backrooms.

  3. Los Frontrooms, también conocido como La Realidad es aquel lugar de donde proviene la gran mayoría de los wanderers, a su vez, son el punto de entrada más común a Los Backrooms. Está constituido por planetas, sistemas solares, galaxias, entre otros que se encuentran en el espacio exterior, sin embargo, en uno de los sistemas solares se ...

  4. Los Frontrooms es el término utilizado para referirse a todo lo que esté dentro de los límites de la realidad normal. Es lo que está fuera de los Backrooms, esta frase a menudo es cuestionada debido a la existencia de El Canal Azul.

  5. › wiki › The_FrontroomsFrontrooms Wiki | Fandom

    The Frontrooms, also known as The Universe, is Reality, and Earth is considered the major counterpart to the backrooms and dimensions. They are also the easiest and most practical entrance point to the Backrooms.

  6. If you're careful and you noclip out of reality in the right areas, you'll end up in the Frontrooms, where it's nothing but the pleasing scent of expensive pipe tobacco, the coziness of burgundy red, the endless crackle of a fireplace, and approximately six hundred million square miles of tastefully segmented lounge rooms to be relaxed in.

  7. 7 de mar. de 2024 · The Frontrooms delineate a spatial niche characterized by subdued luminosity and intricate topography. This locale harbours a diverse assemblage of celestial entities, ranging across galactic and cosmological dimensions.