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  1. 8 de dic. de 2020 · Now, an analysis of high-resolution satellite data from hundreds of California wildfires shows human-caused blazes spread much faster and kill more trees than ones ignited by lightning.

  2. 17 de may. de 2022 · We observe that human-ignited fires start at locations with lower tree cover and during periods with more extreme fire weather. These characteristics contribute to more explosive growth in...

  3. Humans started 80,896 large fires in seasons when lightning-ignited fires were rare. Large human-started fires occurred in locations and months of significantly higher fuel moisture and wind speed than large lightning-started fires.

  4. 4 de ago. de 2023 · Human ignitions are the predominant cause of wildfire throughout the United States, necessitating wildfire management strategies that consider both the causes of human ignitions and the factors that influence them.

  5. 17 de may. de 2022 · We observe that human-ignited fires start at locations with lower tree cover and during periods with more extreme fire weather. These characteristics contribute to more explosive growth in the first few days following ignition for human-caused fires as compared to lightning-caused fires.

  6. 28 de ago. de 2023 · Most wildfires are started by human activities, such as discarding cigarettes, or by power-line failures. The latter might have caused the initial spark in the 2023 Maui fire, and did in the...

  7. 27 de feb. de 2017 · Human-started wildfires were dominant (>80% of ignitions) in over 5.1 million km 2, the vast majority of the United States, whereas lightning-started fires were dominant in only 0.7 million km 2, primarily in sparsely populated areas of the mountainous western United States.