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  1. 12 innovations that will revolutionize the future of medicine. Analytics-enabled, individualized attention will not just treat disease, but increasingly, prevent it.

  2. 22 de feb. de 2023 · Healthcare innovation is accelerating at an unprecedented scale, particularly in the digital sphere, the World Health Organization says. Advances such as artificial intelligence and gene editing are transforming the way diseases are detected and treated. Here are 5 innovations that are pushing boundaries in healthcare.

  3. Disruptive technologies and emerging trends such as robotics, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, precision medicine or patient design will impact the manufacturing and distribution of pharmaceuticals.

  4. 17 de oct. de 2019 · Future of Medicine & Medical Technologies - The Medical Futurist. Digital tattoos, 3D printed drugs, RFID implants for recreational purposes: mindblowing innovations are coming to medicine and healthcare almost every single day.

  5. 27 de ene. de 2020 · To celebrate the end of our 25th anniversary year, we asked thought leaders and experts in the field to answer one question: What will shape the next 25 years of medical research?

  6. Explore the world of trailblazing health tech that's turning texts into thoughts, 3D printing bionic limbs — and even growing human brains inside a lab. From precision medicine to the intriguing marriage between your mind and wearables, these talks may change the way you think about your health.

  7. 23 de oct. de 2019 · The Medical Futurist continues its list of futuristic medical technologies with medical tricorders, the CRISPR gene-editing method, and many more.