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  1. Error!404 is a core entity in AlphaTale and is the self-proclaimed 'God of The Multiverse'. He had won the battle, but at what cost? He had become a very corrupted monster and had gone insane, thinking of the most darkest deeds.

  2. Error!404 is the reincarnation of William's final memories incorporated with the Mainframe's ideals of spreading outward to every timeline in the Multiverse to become whole [1].

  3. Watch the epic battle between Error404!Sans and KingOfMultiverse!Sans in this thrilling animation on YouTube.

  4. 7 de feb. de 2023 · discord server by@Mix maninspiration sprite by@lazyspamdoor song by@Jinify sprite by@yaboi8er animation by me@thetale9...

  5. Al llegar, Error404 pirateo el Anti-Void, perdiendo su cordura en cuestión de segundos. Poco después se detuvo, y con su locura trato. de desgarrar su cara para simular lágrimas. Tomo parte del código del Anti-Void y lo utilizo. como armas para asesinar a Infected y vengarse.

  6. 21 de dic. de 2020 · Error404 yacía en el suelo mirando el polvo de su hermano y luego cometió un error que lo perseguiría hasta el final de sus días. Decidió teletransportarlo a él y a los infectados al Anti-Void, un lugar que era inhabitable en ese momento.

  7. Error!404 is a core entity in Alphatale and is the supposed Ancestor of Error!Sans, alongside being the self-proclaimed 'God of The Multiverse'.