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  1. A curious kitten "Curiosity killed the cat" is a proverb used to warn of the dangers of unnecessary investigation or experimentation. It also implies that being curious can sometimes lead to danger or misfortune. The original form of the proverb, now rarely used, was "Care killed the cat".

  2. 2 de dic. de 2019 · The meaning of ‘curiosity killed the cat’ is easy to summarise: don’t go poking your nose into other people’s affairs, and don’t be overly inquisitive about things which don’t concern you, as it will only cause trouble. The phrase suggests that a cat that went nosing about in something it shouldn’t have came a-cropper and died as a result.

  3. 15 de sept. de 2018 · "Curiosity killed the cat" is an idiom we use to warn people. Being curious can get you into trouble. We often use this expression when others ask prying questions.

  4. curiosity killed the cat. C. curiosity killed the cat. Meaning. too much curiosity can lead to dangerous situations; being too inquisitive can get you into trouble; a prying behaviour can be harmful; used to warn someone not to ask too many questions about something; Example Sentences

  5. Enunciado: Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. ( Mieder1992 p. 131) Traducción literal: La curiosidad mató al gato, pero la satisfacción lo trajo de vuelta.

  6. 16 de oct. de 2018 · The phrase curiosity killed the cat and its variants mean: making unnecessary inquiries or investigations may result in unhappiness or misfortune; some things are better left unquestioned or undiscovered. The earlier form of the phrase was care killed a cat, in which care means disquiet.

  7. 6 de ene. de 2020 · Curiosity Killed The Cat’ is an expression used as a warning for someone who is overly curious. The phrase is used to warn them that their curiosity and inquisitiveness can have a harmful result and can put people in dangerous situations.