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  1. 25 de jun. de 2012 · The CSS color name transparent creates a completely transparent color. Usage:.transparent{ background-color: transparent; } Using rgba or hsla color functions, that allow you to add the alpha channel (opacity) to the rgb and hsl functions. Their alpha values range from 0 - 1. Usage:.semi-transparent-yellow{ background-color: rgba(255, 255, 0, 0 ...

  2. 30 de sept. de 2012 · If the background color is white, you can add the CSS property: mix-blend-mode: multiply; You can read more about it here:

  3. The opacity property adds transparency to the background of an element, and to all of its child elements as well. This makes the text inside a transparent element hard to read:

  4. 2 de dic. de 2023 · En CSS, podemos lograr la transparencia de un color utilizando la propiedad «opacity» o la función «rgba». Ambas opciones nos permiten controlar el nivel de transparencia que queremos aplicar a un color determinado.

  5. Transparent Hover Effect. The opacity property is often used together with the :hover selector to change the opacity on mouse-over: Example. img { opacity: 0.5; } img:hover { opacity: 1.0; } Try it Yourself » Example explained. The first CSS block is similar to the code in Example 1.

  6. 9 de feb. de 2024 · Una de las formas más comunes de lograr un fondo transparente en HTML es a través de la propiedad CSS background-color. En este artículo te mostraré diferentes técnicas y el código necesario para lograr este efecto de manera efectiva.

  7. To set a CSS background color to transparent, you can use the rgba () or hsla () color functions, and specify an alpha value (the last value) of 0, which represents fully transparent. Here’s an example: background -color: rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0 ); /* white with 0 % opacity*/.