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  1. 25 de sept. de 2018 · Los elefantes son animales majestuosos e increíbles, por ese motivo, si estás pensando en saber más acerca de su hábitat y distribución, en ExpertoAnimal te explicaremos dónde viven los elefantes.

  2. Learn about the threats facing elephants, the largest land mammals on earth, and their role in maintaining biodiversity and healthy ecosystems. Find out how WWF is working to protect elephant habitats and end the illegal ivory trade.

  3. 3 de abr. de 2023 · Distribución del elefante. Los elefantes habitan en bosques tropicales, sabanas y pastizales en regiones de África como Congo, Ghana, Gabón, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leona, Kenia, Somalia, Namibia, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zimbawe, Mauritania y Liberia por mencionar algunos.

  4. Habitat African elephants inhabit a diverse array of habitats including tropical forests, savannas, grasslands, and woodlands. Tropical forests are characterized as having little variance in temperature (around 23°C) and length of daylight (around 12 hours).

  5. Learn about the two species of African elephants, their diet, behavior, threats and conservation. Find out how they shape their ecosystems and where they live in sub-Saharan and Central and West Africa.

  6. Learn about the habitats of African elephants, the largest land animals, and the threats they face from poaching, habitat loss and human-elephant conflict. Find out how WWF works to protect and manage their populations and ecosystems.

  7. Learn about the endangered African savanna elephant, the largest land animal on Earth, and its habitat in sub-Saharan Africa. Find out how WWF works to protect elephants from human-elephant conflict, illegal wildlife trade, and habitat loss.