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  1. 12 de jun. de 2019 · Your webroot is /var/www/, and you’ll want to change the location of your data folder. Using the same setup, I put Nextcloud in /var/www/nextcloud/, and my Data folder in /opt/nextcloud/data. You want it outside of /var/www/.

  2. 17 de jun. de 2018 · Either add a 443 virtualhost to nextcloud.conf and disable the default ssl conf, or edit the default ssl conf to point to /var/www/html/nextcloud to match nextcloud.conf. Keep in mind you’d be recommended to set hostheaders and other attributes on the SSL config also.

  3. The following commands are using /var/www as the Web server’s directory and www-data as user name and group. Make the directory writable so you can install the code as your regular user, and don’t need root privileges: sudochmodo+rw/var/www. Then install Nextcloud at the root of your site from Git: gitclone

  4. apps_paths. 'apps_paths' => [ [ 'path'=> '/var/www/nextcloud/apps', 'url' => '/apps', 'writable' => true, ], ], Use the apps_paths parameter to set the location of the Apps directory, which should be scanned for available apps, and where user-specific apps should be installed from the Apps store.

  5. 3 de jul. de 2021 · I read the page entitled " Hardening and security guidance" in the docs and it says: It is highly recommended to place your data directory outside of the Web root (i.e. outside of /var/www). Interestingly, the official docker image does it like that by default- My ...

  6. 3 de may. de 2021 · There are some scenarios where if you use, for example, bind mounts rather than named volumes that it's easier for permissions to get weird since they're dependent on non-Docker managed folders. I'm processing old Issues in the repository. I hope you found help through another channel such as

  7. In this install tutorial we will be deploying CentOS 8, PHP 7.4, MariaDB, Redis as memcache and Nextcloud running on Apache. Start off by installing a CentOS 8 minimal install. This should provide a sufficient platform to run a successful Nextcloud instance.