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  1. R. P. Joe Smith served as a District Attorney in Umatilla County and nearly won a race for Oregon Attorney General without taking a single contribution over ...

  2. 21 de ago. de 2013 · You use paper towels to dry your hands every day, but chances are, you're doing it wrong. In this enlightening and funny short talk, Joe Smith reveals the trick to perfect paper towel...

  3. You use paper towels to dry your hands every day, but chances are, you're doing it wrong. In this enlightening and funny short talk, Joe Smith reveals the trick to perfect paper towel technique.

  4. How to use a paper towel. Posted Apr 2012. Joe Smith is an active figure in the Oregon community and a powerful advocate for proper paper towel use.

  5. 3 de may. de 2022 · 演讲者:Joe Smith. 演讲题目:How to use a paper towel. Five hundred seventy-one million two hundred thirty thousand pounds of paper towels are used by Americans every year. If we could -- correction, wrong figure -- 13 billion used every year. 美国人每年要消耗掉五亿七千一百二十三万磅的纸巾(此处特指卫生间内供人洗手后取用的擦手纸)。 如果我们能——不好意思,说错了——是每年消耗一百三十亿磅纸巾。

  6. 31 de mar. de 2012 · Usas toallas de papel para secarte las manos todos los días, pero es probable que lo estés haciendo mal. En esta breve charla instructiva y divertida, Joe Smith revela el truco para perfeccionar la técnica de su uso. (Filmado en TEDxConcordiaUPortland).

  7. a solo una, por persona por día. 0:38 - 0:45 podemos ahorrar 260 millones de kg de papel.