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  1. Diseñadas Landor/Publicis, las mascotas de Salt Lake City 2002, Powder, Coal y Copper, promueven el espíritu olímpico y la cultura de la ciudad anfitriona.

  2. Designed by Landor/Publicis, the Salt Lake City 2002 mascots, Powder, Coal and Copper, promote the Olympic spirit and culture of the host city.

  3. As he is the only Paralympic mascot of the four mascots of Salt Lake City 2002, Otto represents Mind, Body, Spirit (the Paralympic motto). He also represents afternoon, summer, the west of the four cardinal directions and the water element. His symbol is a circle and two waves.

  4. Otto, una nutria, fue la máscota Paralímpica de Salt Lake City 2002. Fue elegido por el comité organizador por su agilidad y su vitalidad. La nutria es un animal con una larga historia en Utah, considerada por las tribus nativas de Estados Unidos que alguna vez habitaron el territorio como uno de los animales más poderosos.

  5. Powder, Copper, Coal, and Otto were the mascots of the 2002 Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games in Salt Lake City, Utah. They were unveiled on May 15, 1999 at the Triad Center in downtown Salt Lake City.

  6. Olympic Winter Games. Organizing Committee. 19, 2002, Salt Lake City. The story of the Salt Lake 2002 Olympic Winter Games Mascots is inspired from our culture. Centuries ago, the first inhabitants etched in stone the images of animals that shared their world.

  7. Powder, Copper, and Coal were the official mascots of the 2002 Winter Olympics. All three mascots were named after a natural resource important to Utah's economy and history. The mascots are animals indigenous to the American West.