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  1. Mantos Blancos es una mina a cielo abierto ubicada en la región de Antofagasta en Chile, a una hora en automóvil de las instalaciones portuarias de Antofagasta y Mejillones y de la fundición de cobre Altonorte, propiedad de Glencore.

  2. Mantos Blancos is an open-pit mine located in the Antofagasta region of Chile, within a one-hour drive of port facilities at Antofagasta and Mejillones, and the Glencore-owned Altonorte copper smelter.

  3. Hace 6 días · Underground copper-silver mine in Zacatecas, Mexico. Expansion complete and 1st quartile cost profile. Exploration program and expansion study underway. Mantos Blancos is an open-pit mine located in the Antofagasta region of Chile, located within a one-hour drive of port facilities at Antofagasta and Mejillones.

  4. Mantos Blancos is a copper stratabound deposit with subordinate content of silver mineralization hosted by Jurassic volcanic sequences. Mantos Blancos has the typical rock, mineralization, alteration and structural setting of the Jurassic deposits, in spite of its bigger size in comparison with other Chilean stratabound copper deposits.

  5. 29 de jul. de 2018 · Mantos Blancos comprehends an open-pit mine extracting sulphide and oxide copper ore, which are treated at crushing, grinding and concentrator plants, as well as leaching, solvent extraction and electro-winning plants, producing high-purity copper concentrates and cathodes.

  6. The Mantos Blancos mine is a large copper mine located in northern Chile in Antofagasta Region. Mantos Blancos represents one of the largest copper reserves in Chile and in the world having estimated reserves of 500 million tonnes of ore grading 1% copper.

  7. 6 de ene. de 2022 · Tras la fusión anunciada a finales de noviembre de 2021 de Capstone Mining (TSX: CS) y la minera chilena Mantos Copper, Capstone ha presentado informes que cumplen la norma 43-101 para las dos nuevas minas de su cartera: Mantos Blancos, en la región de Antofagasta, y Mantoverde, en la región de Atacama.

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    mantos blancos minera