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  1. Alphamon is #251, and is a Mega-level, Balance-class, Dragon-species Digimon with a resistance to the Holy and Fire elements and a weakness to the Dark element. It possesses the Health 200%, Dodge Dance, Assassin's Arm, and Super Rich traits. Alphamon digivolves from Grademon.

  2. 10 de may. de 2024 · Alphamon is #368 Digimon, and is a Ultimate-level, Balance-class, Holy-species Digimon with a resistance to the Light element and weakness to the Dark element. Its basic stats are 323 HP, 360 MP, 186 Attack, 176 Defense, 156 Spirit, 143 Speed, and 85 Aptitude.

  3. Alphamon es un Digimon Tipo Caballero Santo de Nivel Definitivo, cuyo nombre proviene de "Yo soy el Alfa y el Omega " ("ἐγὼ τὸ Α καὶ τὸ Ω" Egō to Alpha kai to Omega), por lo que mientras que Alphamon representa el inicio Omegamon representa el fin.

  4. Alphamon: Ouryūken es un Digimon Tipo Caballero Santo. Su nombre deriva de alfa, primera letra del alfabeto griego y de Ouryuken, que significa Espada del Rey Dragón.

  5. One of the 13 Royal Knights, who are said to be the highest-ranking Digimon when it comes to Network security. Although Alphamon itself is a Holy Knight, it is said to act as a deterrent to others of its kind. It typically prefers to remain hidden, and is widely known as the Aloof Hermit, identifiable by the blue cape that flutters around it.

  6. Alphamon es un Digimon tipo Caballero Santo en la etapa Mega. Es miembro de los Caballeros Reales. Alphamon representa el Alfa, así como Omegamon representa al Omega.

  7. 10 de ago. de 2018 · El Royal Knights más fuerte y poderosos de todos, Alphamon es un Digimon sumamente mítico y con una historia sin precedentes, que en este vídeo especial te presentamos.

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