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  1. The Spider's Thread (蜘蛛の糸, Kumo no Ito) is a 1918 short story by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, first published in the children's magazine Akai Tori. [1] Plot summary. Shakyamuni is meandering around Paradise one morning, when he stops at a lotus -filled pond. Between the lilies, he can see, through the crystal-clear waters, the depths of Hell.

    • Spider silk

      Spider silk is a protein fibre or silk spun by spiders....

  2. The song title and lyrics refer to Ryuunosuke Akutagawa's short story The Spider's Thread. This song debuted in CHUNITHM NEW. Toa Kozukata is featured on the song jacket.

  3. › wiki › Spider_silkSpider silk - Wikipedia

    Spider silk is a protein fibre or silk spun by spiders. Spiders use silk to make webs or other structures that function as adhesive traps to catch prey, to entangle and restrain prey before biting, to transmit tactile information, or as nests or cocoons to protect their offspring.

  4. 5 de sept. de 2022 · Buddha saw a spider which was spinning a beautiful thread on the green lotus leaves. Buddha carefully took the spider's thread in his hand, and through an opening among the lotus leaves he let it down into Hell.

  5. › wiki › 蜘蛛の糸蜘蛛の糸 - Wikipedia

    蜘蛛の糸」(くものいと、 芥川龍之介 の児童向け 短編小説 (掌編小説)。 芥川龍之介 のはじめての児童文学作品で、1918年に発表された。 映画『蜘蛛の糸』についても説明する。 あらすじ. 釈迦 はある日の朝、 極楽 [注釈 1] を散歩中に 蓮 池を通して下の 地獄 を覗き見たところ、罪人どもが苦しんでいる中に カンダタ (犍陀多)という男を見つける。 カンダタは殺人や放火もした泥棒であったが、過去に一度だけ善行を成したことがあった。 それは林で小さな 蜘蛛 を踏み殺しかけて止め、命を助けたことだった。 それを思い出した釈迦は、彼を地獄から救い出してやろうと、一本の蜘蛛の糸をカンダタめがけて下ろす。

  6. The Spider's Thread (蜘蛛の糸, Kumo no Ito) is a 1918 short story by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, first published in the children's magazine Akai Tori. [1]

  7. Based on the famous story by Japanese modern writer Akutagawa, London-based Japanese theatre-maker Aya Nakamura takes you into a story about little kindness and selfish betrayal.