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  1. The False Mirror presents an enormous lashless eye with a luminous cloud-swept blue sky filling the iris and an opaque, dead-black disc for a pupil. The allusive title, provided by the Belgian Surrealist writer Paul Nougé, seems to insinuate limits to the authority of optical vision: a mirror provides a mechanical reflection, but the eye is ...

  2. 31 de ago. de 2020 · El espejo falso es una obra dual: por un lado, Magritte representa un enorme ojo sin pestañas (54x81cm); por otro, actúa de espejo, reflejando las nubes blancas y el cielo azul. De esta forma, se nos presenta una ventana al mundo real.

  3. By replacing the eyes iris with a blue, cloud-filled sky in False Mirror, Magritte challenges us to question what we see and what we think we know. Is the sky a reflection of what the eye is seeing? Is the eye in fact an opening into another reality?

  4. The False Mirror (1928) is a surrealist oil painting by René Magritte that depicts a human eye framing a cloudy, blue sky. [1][2][3] In the depiction of the eye in the painting, the clouds take the place normally occupied by the iris. [4][5][6] The painting's original French title is Le faux miroir. [7]

  5. Comentario histórico artístico de El espejo falso, óleo de René Magritte que representa un ojo humano enmarcando un cielo azul nublado.

  6. 14 de oct. de 2023 · Learn about the surrealist painting of a large, unblinking eye that represents the limitations of human vision. Discover the meaning, symbolism and history of The False Mirror by Rene Magritte.

  7. 25 de nov. de 2015 · En la zona izquierda de la tela, vemos la parte interior del ojo con unas cualidades muy físicas y anatómicas, fijaros en la acuosidad del lagrimal. Y sin embargo, esa parte del lienzo contrasta de manera brutal con el otro extremo, totalmente perfilado, sin detalle alguno.