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  1. 15 de dic. de 2022 · Gilgamesh es el rey semi-mítico de Uruk en Mesopotamia mejor conocido por La Epopeya de Gilgamesh (escrita c. 2150 - 1400 a.C.) la gran obra poética sumeria/babilónica que precede la escritura de Homero por 1500 años y, por lo tanto, se destaca como la obra más antigua de la literatura mundial épica.

  2. › wiki › GilgameshGilgamesh - Wikipedia

    In the epic, Gilgamesh is a demigod of superhuman strength who befriends the wild man Enkidu. Together, they embark on many journeys, most famously defeating Humbaba (Sumerian: Huwawa) and the Bull of Heaven, who is sent to attack them by Ishtar (Sumerian: Inanna) after Gilgamesh rejects her offer for him to become her consort.

  3. Gilgamesh o Gilgamésh (acadio: 𒄑𒂅𒈦, Gilgameš, /ɡɪl.'ɡa.meʃ/ 1 anteriormente 𒄑𒉈𒂵𒈩 Bilgamesh 2 3 ), también conocido como Izdubar, fue un soberano de la ciudad sumeria de Uruk (actual Warqa, en Irak) y un héroe de la mitología mesopotámica.

  4. 15 de dic. de 2022 · Gilgamesh is the semi-mythic King of Uruk best known as the hero of The Epic of Gilgamesh (c. 2150-1400 BCE) the great Babylonian poem that predates Homer's Iliad and Odyssey by 1500 years and, therefore, stands as the oldest piece of epic world literature.

  5. Gilgamesh was a legendary king of Uruk who ruled after the Flood and had many adventures with his friend Enkidu. He sought immortality from Utnapishtim, the survivor of the Flood, but failed to escape death.

  6. 23 de ago. de 2024 · La primera epopeya de la historia surgió hace cinco mil años en la ciudad sumeria de Uruk. Su protagonista es un rey semilegendario, Gilgamesh, quien a la muerte de Enkidu, su compañero de aventuras, decidió partir en busca del secreto de la inmortalidad.

  7. 10 de abr. de 2018 · Utanapishtim tells Gilgamesh the story of how he was warned by the god Ea of the coming deluge, followed his command to build an ark and place assorted animals inside and so save himself and his family from death and humanity from extinction.