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  1. 21 de feb. de 2022 · Las dos palabras (wake o wake up y awake) significan lo mismo y pueden ser usadas una en lugar de la otra, sin embargo, la costumbre hace que se use wake o wake up como verbo y awake como adjetivo; en otras palabras, que se use wake para despertar y awake para estar despierto.

  2. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre wake y awake? Compara y contrasta las definiciones y las traducciones en español de wake y awake en inglé, el sitio web de referencia inglés-español más preciso en el mundo.

  3. The verbs waken, awaken and awake have a similar meaning but are used in more literary contexts, often to refer to emotions or things as well as people: Cautiously, trying not to waken him, Caroline stepped quietly out of the room. Different images can awaken new emotions within us.

  4. The verbs waken, awaken and awake have a similar meaning but are used in more literary contexts, often to refer to emotions or things as well as people: Cautiously, trying not to waken him, Caroline stepped quietly out of the room. Different images can awaken new emotions within us.

  5. Awake and asleep are adjectives. Use them with the verb to be: Hes awake. = He isn’t sleeping. He’s asleep. = He is sleeping. It’s common to use the expressions stay awake (to continue awake) and fall asleep (to begin sleeping): On New Year’s Eve, my children stay awake until midnight.

  6. What is the difference between awake and wake? Compare and contrast the definitions and Spanish translations of awake and wake on, the world's most accurate Spanish-English reference website.