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  1. I'd say the best way to improve spy would to buff his disguise kit so it has the same resistances as cloak. I would also increase the versatility of sapper slot by making it so that it contains other items that can debuff.

  2. Spies should be able to fake reload on command without turning off auto-reload and jumping through a million hoops. personally, I would go so far as allowing spies to fake fire weapons, or at least allow them to fake buff banners or similar things.

  3. El Spy se especializa en el engaño y sobresale en castigar los errores cometidos por el equipo enemigo. Es la mejor elección para trabajar por detrás de las líneas enemigas pero no en combate directo, ya que es frágil y tiene algunas de las armas más débiles.

  4. The Spy has an English accent in his French voice lines. The first BLU team Spy resembled Fu Manchu. According to the Spy, his tie is made of silk and costs US$9,000, while dialogue in The Naked and the Dead reveals the Spy's suit to be a US$10,000 custom-tailored Louis Crabbemarché jacket.

  5. A spy that abuses the Kunai and knows how to play will have a way to be able to heal themselves (with overheal up to 210 health) making them hard to kill often. A spy that abuses the Diamondback can potentially deal a spontaneous surprise 105 damage to you at any given time.

  6. 4 de abr. de 2022 · This loadout encourages quick and clever escapes with the speed boosts the Big Earner and Dead Ringer provides, as well as the buff to cloaking that the Le’tranger gives. If you appear stuck in the classic spy syndrome of dying after every time you get a kill, then maybe give this loadout a try!

  7. El Spy también dice frases en francés, español e italiano. El Spy tiene acento inglés en sus líneas de voz de la versión francesa. El Spy del primer equipo BLU se parece a Fu Manchú. Según el díalogo del Ap-Zap, el Spy guarda su Mariposa, el Revólver y el Zapador en el bolsillo de su traje.