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  1. In December 1906, Count Berchtold was appointed as the successor of Count Alois von Aehrenthal as Ambassador to Russia upon the latter's appointment as imperial foreign minister. He served with distinction for five years in St. Petersburg and experienced Russia's distrust and fear of Vienna. [1]

  2. Leopold, Graf von Berchtold was an Austro-Hungarian foreign minister whose ultimatum to Serbia (July 23, 1914) was followed (August 1) by the outbreak of World War I. A wealthy landowner in Hungary and Moravia, Berchtold, through marriage, became one of the richest men in Austria-Hungary.

  3. La familia de los condes de Berchtold era originaria del Tirol y era de las más ricas de la nobleza austro-húngara, propietaria de tierras en Hungría y Moravia; el conde Leopold Berchtold era considerado uno de los hombres más ricos del Imperio austrohúngaro.

  4. (Viena, 1863 - Sopron, 1942) Político austríaco. Como ministro de Asuntos Exteriores del Imperio Austro-húngaro entre 1912 y 1915, fue el principal responsable de la escalada que, tras el ultimátum lanzado a Serbia el 23 de julio de 1914, provocó el estallido de la Primera Guerra Mundial.

  5. Leopold Count Berchtold: The Man Who Could Have Prevented the Great War. Samuel R. Williamson. p. 24-51. Extrait. 119 July 1914: “Berchtold came at 6 and stayed to dine.

  6. Graf Leopold Berchtold, Habsburg foreign minister from 1912 to 1915, was confronted with military action during and after the Balkan Wars, yet kept peace. Then, the Sarajevo assassinations, blamed on Serbia, convinced him that only war with Serbia would protect the Habsburgs’ Balkan interests.

  7. Leopold Anton Johann Sigismund Joseph Korsinus Ferdinand, Count Von Berchtold (1863-1942), Austro-Hungarian foreign minister at the outbreak of the First World War, was born on 18 April 1863 in Vienna.