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  1. Ahmed Muhtar Pasha also spelled Ahmed Mihtar Pasha ( Ottoman Turkish: احمد مختار پاشا ;‎ 1 November 1839 – 21 January 1919) was a prominent Ottoman field marshal and Grand Vizier, who served in the Crimean and Russo-Turkish wars.

  2. Los ministros del sultanato fueron renunciando a medida que se desintegraba el gobierno; Ahmed Tevfik Pachá, el último gran visir, renunció finalmente el 4 de noviembre. Mehmed finalmente abandonó Constantinopla el día 17, dando fin definitivo al Imperio otomano.

  3. Although the foreign crisis in the Balkans put a temporary halt to domestic politics, it did not stop them. Unlike his predecessor Ahmed Muhtar Pasha, who had been non-partisan, Kâmil Pasha was a passionate Freedom and Accord Party member and was determined to use his premiership to destroy the CUP.

  4. Ahmed Muhtar Pasha ( turco otomano : احمد مختار پاشا ; 1 de noviembre de 1839 - 21 de enero de 1919) fue un destacado mariscal de campo otomano y gran visir , que sirvió en las guerras de Crimea y Rusia-Turquía .

  5. AHMED MUHTAR PAŞA, Ferik. Müellif: TÜLİN ÇORUHLU. İstanbul Davutpaşa’da doğdu. Babası Kolağası Hasan Ağa’dır. Mühendishâne-i Berrî-i Hümâyun’u mülâzım olarak bitirdikten sonra bir yıllık Erkân-ı Harbiyye sınıfında okuyup yüzbaşı rütbesine yükseldi (1881). 1885-1894 yılları arasında kolağası ve ...

  6. Gazi Ahmed Muhtar Pasha or Ahmed Muhtar Pasha (1 November 1839; Bursa — 21 January 1919; Istanbul) was a Turkish[1] Ottoman grand vizier and general. He was born at Bursa in Turkey and was educated in the Ottoman military college in Constantinople.

  7. 7 de ago. de 2006 · Sometime Chief of Staff of the Ottoman army, Ahmed Muhtar Paşa had originally gained prominence as a hero of the Russian–Ottoman war of 1877–78, for which he was decorated with the title of Gazi.