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  1. Grethe Fatima Syéd (born 1 January 1968) is a Norwegian literary scholar, translator and author.She has translated fiction from English, obtained a doctorate with a dissertation on Olav Duun, and published books about the writer Torborg Nedreaas.Her fiction debut was Eventyr for voksne (Fairytales for adults, 2020). In 2019, she was awarded the Klassekampen Neshornet culture prize for her work.

  2. Grethe Fatima Syéd (født 1. januar 1968) [8] er en norsk litteraturviter, oversetter og forfatter. Grethe Fatima Syéd har oversatt skjønnlitteratur fra engelsk, tatt doktorgrad på Olav Duun, og utgitt bøker om Duun og Torborg Nedreaas. Hennes skjønnlitterære debut var Eventyr for voksne (2020).

  3. Hear Grethe Fatima Syéd discuss family in the life and works of Norwegian author Torborg Nedreaas, who wrote one of the great Norwegian coming-of-age stories, the trilogy about the girl Herdis Hauge, consisting of the books Trylleglasset (1950), Musikk fra en blå brønn (1960), and Ved neste nymåne (1971).

  4. › article › 12327GRETHE FATIMA SYED:

    GRETHE FATIMA SYED: Olav Duun. Kunsten, døden og kjærlighetens dikter. Vidarforlaget, Riga 2015. Pp. 384. ISBN: 978-82-7990-298-0. The title of Grethe F. Syed’s book translates as ‘Olav Duun. Poet of art, death and love’, and for those who know a little about the tradition of Duun scholarship, this clearly indicates a study with an emphasis

  5. Grethe Fatima Syéd (b 1968, Norway) is a writer, translator and academic, specialising in the work of Olav Duun. After completing a PhD on Duun’s work at the University of Bergen, she published Olav Duun.

  6. Grethe Fatima Syéd (born 1 January 1968) is a Norwegian literary scholar, translator and author. Grethe Fatima Syéd has translated fiction from English into Norwegian. She completed her doctorate on Olav Duun.

  7. In this book we are taken on a voyage into Nedreaas' dramatic life and authorship, guided enthusiastically by Grethe Fatima Syéd. A Summer With Nedreaas is a Norwegian prolongation of the popular French radio-series A Summer With ...