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  1. The Royal Hungarian Ludovica Defense Academy (Hungarian: Magyar Királyi Honvéd Ludovika Akadémia, Latin: Ludoviceum, German: Ludovika-Akademie), shortened to Ludovica or Ludovica Academy, was Hungary's officer cadets training institute prior to 1945.

  2. 4 de dic. de 2022 · One hundred and fifty years ago, in 1872, the Ludovica Academy, the military school for the training of officer cadets, was opened. The 1808 Diet decided to start Hungarian officer training, but the education actually started only 64 years later.

  3. Moda Chilena para cada faceta de tu vida. Te invitamos a redescubrir la moda con prendas pensadas para resaltar la personalidad única de cada mujer. Cada prenda ha sido creada con el propósito de hacerte sentir segura y a gusto contigo misma, permitiéndote expresar tu esencia de manera libre y auténtica. BLUSAS Y POLERAS.

  4. The Royal Hungarian Ludovica Defense Academy (Hungarian language: Magyar Királyi Honvéd Ludovika Akadémia, Latin language: Ludoviceum, German language: Ludovika-Akademie), shortened to Ludovica or Ludovica Academy, was Hungary's officer cadets training institute prior to 1945.

  5. A Magyar Királyi Honvéd Ludovika Akadémia ( latinos nevén: Ludoviceum ), röviden csak Ludovika vagy Ludovika Akadémia a magyar katonai felsőoktatás legmagasabb képzési szintjét nyújtó intézménye volt az 1945 előtti Magyarországon.

  6. 4 de dic. de 2022 · One hundred and fifty years ago, in 1872, the Ludovica Academy, the military school for the training of officer cadets, was opened. The 1808 Diet decided to start Hungarian officer training, but the education actually started only 64 years later.

  7. 4 de dic. de 2022 · One hundred and fifty years ago, in 1872, the Ludovica Academy, the military school for the training of officer cadets, was opened. The 1808 Diet decided to start Hungarian officer training, but the education actually started only 64 years later.