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  1. Samuel Harrison Smith (13 March 1808 – 30 July 1844) was a younger brother of Joseph Smith, founder of the Latter Day Saint movement. Samuel was a leader in his own right and a successful missionary.

  2. Smith, Samuel H. Hermano menor del profeta José Smith ( JS—H 1:4 ). Nació en 1808 y murió en 1844. Fue uno de los Ocho Testigos del Libro de Mormón y sirvió como uno de los primeros misioneros de la Iglesia restaurada ( DyC 23:4; 52:30; 61:33–35; 66:7–8; 75:13 ).

  3. Who was Samuel H. Smith? His younger brother Don Carlos said of him, “He is as faithful as the sun!” 1 His mother, Lucy Mack Smith, said that none of her sons had a greater gift of healing than Samuel. 2 When she called on her husband and sons in 1835 for a priesthood blessing, Samuel was voice as they blessed Lucy to be healed from an eye ...

  4. Samuel Harrison Smith, aunque no tan conocido como sus hermanos mayores José Smith y Hyrum Smith, fue un gran líder y un misionero exitoso. Samuel Smith es comúnmente considerado como el primer misionero de la iglesia de Jesucristo de lo Santos de los Últimos Días tras la organización de la Iglesia 5 .

  5. Samuel H. Smith, though not as well known as his older brothers Joseph and Hyrum Smith, played an influential role in the early history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

  6. Samuel Smith, el primer misionero de La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días y hermano del primer Presidente de la Iglesia, el profeta José Smith, nació hace 200 años, el 13 de marzo de 1808.

  7. Samuel Smith. (1808–44) Born in Tunbridge, Vermont, Samuel Smith was a younger brother of Joseph Smith Jr. Samuel was baptized by Oliver Cowdery in May 1829 and was one of the Eight Witnesses of the Book of Mormon a month later. On 6 April 1830, he became one of the six original members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.