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  1. Zaynab bint Maẓʿūn (Arabic: زينب بنت مظعون) was the first wife of Umar. Biography. She was the daughter of Maz'un ibn Habib of the Jumah clan of the Quraysh in Mecca;: 204 hence she was a sister of Uthman ibn Maz'un.: 307 She was dark-skinned, a trait that she passed on to her son Abd Allah.: 252

  2. Zainab bint Muhammad (598—629) es considerada por los historiadores suníes como la hija mayor del profeta islámico Mahoma con su primera esposa Jadiya bint Jhuwaylid.

  3. The Faith Revival. 30 items. The first daughter of the Prophet (saw) and Khadijah (ra), Zaynab (ra) would spend almost 2 decades in a marriage of constant limbo because she chose to believe.

  4. 16 de oct. de 2017 · Zaynab was the only wife of the Prophet besides Khadijah bint Khuwaylid who passed on before her beloved husband. She was honored as a Mother of the Believers , as his other wives were. Zaynab was the “lucky” wife who had her husband lead the Funeral Prayer over her body when she returned to Allah.

  5. ʿUthmān ibn Maẓʿūn ( Arabic: عثمان بن مظعون) was one of the Companions of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. [1] Biography. He was married to Khawla bint Hakim, who like himself was one of the earliest converts to Islam. [2] .

  6. 15 de ago. de 2021 · The granddaughter of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), had just spoken truth to power—in front of Yazîd ibn Muʿâwiyah, the khalîfa, the Umayyad ruler in Syria. Zaynab bint ʿAli paused, and then delivered the speech that became famous throughout history for its eloquence, its ferocity, and its passion.

  7. Ḥantamah bint Hishām (Arabic: حنتمة بنت هشام) was the mother of Umar ibn al-Khattab and wife of Khattab ibn Nufayl. She lived during the 6th century and was a contemporary of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.