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  1. Mechthild of the Palatinate (1418–1482) was a princess and major patroness of the literary arts in the 15th century. Born to Ludwig III, Elector Palatine and Matilda of Savoy, she was married by the age of 15 to Ludwig I, Count of Württemberg-Urach. Five children came out of the marriage, but by age 31 she became a widow.

  2. Not only was it the first Christian mystical text known to be written by a man or a woman in the vernacular (or language of the common people) rather than in Latin, it also contained one of the first descriptions of a type of Christian devotion known as the Sacred Heart.

  3. Madame Elizabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans (born Princess Elizabeth Charlotte of the Palatinate, German: Elisabeth Charlotte; 27 May 1652 – 8 December 1722), also known as Liselotte von der Pfalz, was a German member of the House of Wittelsbach who married into the French royal family.

  4. Alberto VI de Austria ( Viena, 12 de diciembre de 1418 - 2 de diciembre de 1463) también conocido como el hijo pródigo, de la Casa de Habsburgo.

  5. Deutsch: Mechthild von der Pfalz (* 7. März 1419 im Heidelberger Schloss; † 22. August 1482 daselbst) war eine kurpfälzische Prinzessin, sowie durch Ehe Gräfin von Württemberg und Erzherzogin von Österreich.

  6. Mechthild of the Palatinate (1418–1482) was a princess and major patroness of the literary arts in the 15th century. Born to Ludwig III, Elector Palatine and Matilda of Savoy, she was married by the age of 15 to Ludwig I, Count of Württemberg-Urach.

  7. Mechthild, countess of the Palatinate (in southwestern Germany) and archduchess of Austria, was one of the great patrons of the German humanist movement. She commissioned the translation of classical Latin texts and the literary and philosophical works of Italian Renaissance authors such as Petrarch, Bruni, and Boccaccio.