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  1. 泗水(Surabaya),是印尼东爪哇省省会和最大城市,位于爪哇岛东部,东北沿海的泗水海峡西南侧,隔峡与马都岛相望,是印度尼西亚的第二大海港、第二大城市,早在中世纪开始就为爪洼的对外贸易港口。拥有三百五十万人口,其中华人占五十万。泗水,爪哇语苏腊巴亚(Surabaya)原意是鲨鱼和 ...

  2. Surabaya, Indonesia. Residents of East Java’s steamy capital know how to catch a breeze—whether they’re lounging at rooftop bars or exploring side streets on bicycle-powered rickshaws. While the historic trading port bustles with modern commerce, ancient cultures mingle in the Arab Quarter and Chinatown.

  3. La ciudad de Surabaya en Java Oriental no es tan conocida en la ruta turística como en otros lugares del país, aunque en realidad es la segunda ciudad más grande de Indonesia después de Yakarta. También es una de las partes más importantes del país históricamente y hay una variedad de atracciones interesantes que hacen que valga la pena ...

  4. Surabaya (Surabaya Javanese: ꦯꦸꦫꦧꦪ Suroboyo) is a city on the eastern side of Java, the capital of the East Java province of Indonesia.It is the second largest city in the country with over 10 million inhabitants in its metropolitan area. Complementing Jakarta, its larger brother on the western side of the same island, it sits close enough geographically to be exposed by the Javanese ...

  5. 然而,印尼還擁有一個值得一遊的城市,它就是第二大城市泗水(Surabaya)。 雖然泗水在台灣人的認識中相對較陌生,但它卻是印尼最重要的商業、文化和旅遊中心之一,擁有豐富多樣的景點和獨特的魅力。

  6. 11 de jul. de 2024 · Surabaya, kota (city), capital of East Java (Jawa Timur) propinsi (or provinsi; province), Indonesia. Situated on the northeastern coast of Java, it lies along the Surabaya Strait opposite the island of Madura. The canalized Mas River, which is a branch of the Brantas River, flows through the

  7. › wiki › SurabayaSurabaya - Wikipedia

    Surabaya, chiamata Soerabaja sotto la dominazione olandese, è la seconda città dell'Indonesia e il capoluogo della provincia di Giava Orientale.Ha una popolazione di 2.909.257 abitanti, ma ha un'area metropolitana stimata attorno ai 5.000.000 abitanti. È una città portuale, sulla foce del fiume Mas, affacciata sullo stretto di Madura