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  1. Samuel Palmer (27 de enero de 1805-24 de mayo de 1881) fue un pintor, grabador y dibujante británico. También fue un prolífico escritor. Palmer fue una figura clave en el Romanticismo en gran Bretaña y produjo pinturas visionarias y pastorales. Palmer, quien nació en Surrey Square en Old Kent Road en Newington, Londres, era hijo de un librero y en algún momento ministro baptista, y fue ...

  2. Samuel Palmer ranks among the most important British landscape painters of the Romantic era. Marking the two hundredth anniversary of the artist's birth, this exhibition is the first major retrospective of his work in nearly eighty years, uniting some one hundred of his finest watercolors, drawings, etchings, and oils from public and private collections in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia ...

  3. Samuel Palmer (1805–1881) Tate. (b London, 27 Jan. 1805; d Redhill, Surrey, 24 May. 1881). English landscape painter (mainly in watercolour) and etcher. He was precocious, first exhibiting at the Royal Academy when he was only 14. In 1822 he met John Linnell, who introduced him to William Blake in 1824.

  4. Samuel Palmer (* 27. Januar 1805 in Newington bei London; † 24. Mai 1881 in Redhill, Surrey, England) war ein britischer Landschaftsmaler, Zeichner und Radierer der Romantik .

  5. Samuel Palmer, né le 27 janvier 1805 à Newington (Londres) et mort le 24 mai 1881 à Redhill, dans le Surrey, est un paysagiste, aquafortiste et graveur romantique britannique ayant fait partie des Anciens de Shoreham (en), un groupe d'admirateurs de William Blake .

  6. Jan 27, 1805 - May 24, 1881. Samuel Palmer RWS Hon.RE was a British landscape painter, etcher and printmaker. He was also a prolific writer. Palmer was a key figure in Romanticism in Britain and produced visionary pastoral paintings.

  7. Person. A bookseller's son, Samuel Palmer was a delicate and withdrawn child who began a love affair with poetry that remained a lifelong inspiration for his art. Despite studying with a drawing master, he was mostly self-taught. Precocious, he exhibited at the Royal Academy at the age of fifteen in 1820.In 1822 Palmer met artist John Linnell ...