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  1. John Everett Millais. Data powstania 1851–1852 Medium olej na płótnie. Wymiary 76,2 × 111,8 cm Miejsce przechowywania Miejscowość Londyn. Lokalizacja Tate Britain. Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons: Detal obrazu. Ofelia – obraz olejny autorstwa Johna Everetta Millais’go powstały w latach 1851–1852 i przechowywany w Tate Britain.

  2. John Everett Millais, 1851–1852 Öl auf Leinwand 76,2 × 111,8 cm Tate Britain Ophelia ist ein Gemälde von John Everett Millais, das 1852 fertiggestellt wurde. Es stellt die gleichnamige Figur aus Shakespeares Tragödie Hamlet dar, wie sie in einem Fluss treibt, kurz bevor sie ertrinkt. Im Stück wird dies in der Rede (4. Aufzug, 7. ...

  3. 22 de mar. de 2018 · Il dipinto intitolato Ofelia (Ophelia) di John Everett Millais fu donato alla Tate Gallery da Sir Henry Tate nel 1894. L’artista e la società. La storia dell’opera Ofelia (Ophelia) di John Everett Millais. John Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rossetti con altri giovani artisti fondarono nel 1848 la Confraternita Preraffaellita. Gli ideali ...

  4. John Everett Millais Around 1851. Tate Britain London, United Kingdom. This is the drowning Ophelia from Shakespeare's play Hamlet. Picking flowers she slips and falls into a stream. Mad with grief after her father's murder by Hamlet, her lover, she allows herself to die.

  5. Here, Hamlet’s rejected lover, her mind unhinged, has fallen into a brook while picking wildflowers. Inspired by an evocative description of Ophelia’s death in Shakespeare’s Hamlet (act 4, scene 7), Millais painted the subject for a London Royal Academy exhibition in 1852; this masterful print reproduces that composition.

  6. John Everett Millais: Data: 1851-1852 Tecnica: olio su tela Dimensioni: 76,2×111,8 cm Ubicazione: ... Per la sua Ofelia, Millais scelse la modella Elizabeth Siddal, detta Lizzie e futura moglie dell'amico Dante Gabriel Rossetti e, generalmente, una delle donne chiave dell'epopea preraffaellita.

  7. 76,2 cm × 111,8 cm. Localização. Tate Britain. Ofélia (em inglês Ophelia) é uma pintura do artista britânico Sir John Everett Millais, concluída em 1851 e 1852, que faz parte da coleção da Tate Britain em Londres. Retrata Ophelia, uma personagem da peça de William Shakespeare, Hamlet, cantando antes de se afogar em um rio na Dinamarca.