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  1. Considered Sacha Guitry’s masterpiece, this fleet, witty picaresque about a gambler and petty thief is a whimsical delight. Guitry himself stars as the tricheur looking back fondly on a life of crime, which he narrates with an effervescence matched by that of the film's skillful editing and cinematography. With its rapid storytelling and novel use of voice-over, The Story of a Cheat has ...

  2. Alexandre-Pierre Georges Guitry (21 February 1885 – 24 July 1957), known as Sacha Guitry, was a French stage actor, film actor, director, screenwriter, and playwright of the boulevard theatre. He was the son of a leading French actor, Lucien Guitry, and followed his father into the theatrical profession. He became known for his stage performances, particularly in boulevardier roles.

  3. 10 de abr. de 2018 · Sacha Guitry has been referred to as the Gallic Noël Coward - a celebrated polymath who worked as a stage actor, film actor, director, screenwriter, and as an acclaimed playwright. Four Films 1936-1938 brings together a quartet of 1930s features by Guitry, each based on his own, earlier works for the theatre. ...

  4. › wiki › Sacha_GuitrySacha Guitry - Wikiquote

    Sacha Guitry (San Petersburgo, 21 de febrero de 1885-París, 24 de julio de 1957) fue un actor, dramaturgo, escenógrafo, director de cine y guionista cinematográfico francés.. Citas [editar]. NOTA: Salvo en los casos que cuentan con referencia en español, la traducción de las citas incluidas en esta sección es propia del usuario que las aporta.

  5. Sacha Guitry keresztapja III. Sándor cár volt, aki Lucien Guitry művészetének nagy tisztelője volt. Keresztneve Sacha, azaz Szása, az Alekszandr (Sándor) orosz beceneve. Anyja, Renée Delmas megelégelve Lucien Guitry sorozatos nőügyeit, különösen a Sarah Bernard-hoz fűződő viszonyát, 1885-ben válókeresetet adott be férje ...

  6. 6 de ago. de 2019 · Sacha Guitry was a man of all performing arts who fluidly transitioned from playwright to screen writer, actor, poet, novelist, sculptor, and artist. Above all, he was a master storyteller of the ...

  7. Sacha Guitry (Alexandre Guitry, llamado Sacha Guitry; San Petersburgo, 1885 - París, 1957) Dramaturgo y actor francés. Hijo del célebre actor Lucien Guitry, heredó no su talento pero sí su capacidad para cautivar a los espectadores de los teatros parisinos, como eficaz intérprete de obras escritas casi siempre por él mismo.Empezó como autor teatral en 1902, y obtuvo su primer éxito en ...

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