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  1. Material: Oil on canvas. Dimensions: Framed: H 1041.4 x W 520.7 mm. Inscriptions: Signature, 1903: EDeM 1903 . Description: Evelyn De Morgan painted several subjects using medieval themes and stylistic devices which had been made popular by the Pre-Raphaelites, these paintings included Queen Eleanor and the Fair Rosamund and The Hour Glass .

  2. Evelyn De Morgan. Evelyn De Morgan (30. august 1855 – 2. mai 1919) oli inglise kunstnik ja prerafaeliitide suuna järgija.. Elulugu Ariadne Naxosel", 1877. Evelyn Pickering sündis keskklassist veidi jõukamas perekonnas. 15-aastaselt hakkas ta võtma joonistamistunde. 1873. aastal astus ta Sladi kaunite kunstide kooli (Slade School of Fine Art), kus oli kõige noorem tudeng.

  3. It was the work of Renaissance artist Sandra Botticelli which particularly appealed to Evelyn De Morgan and her Flora was clearly influenced by Botticelli's The Birth of Venus and Primavera.In fact, De Morgan travelled to Florence from her home in London to copy directly from Botticelli's masterpieces in order to prepare her own.

  4. The Storm Spirits. In this painting the element of rain, thunder and lightning are personified as strong, beautiful female spirits, causing chaos and turbulence in the sea below them. To the left, dressed in yellow, is the spirit of Rain pouring grey water from a never-ending vial. To the right, Lightning – a red-winged figure with winged ...

  5. Dimensions: Canvas: H 850 x W 595 mm Framed: H 1040 x W 785 x D 88 mm. Inscriptions: Signature: 'EDeM'. Description: The Red Cross is considered one of De Morgan s most successful paintings on the theme of war. The painting shows the figure of the risen Christ being borne heavenward by a choir of angels. He is symbolically clad in red and his ...

  6. 6 de dic. de 2016 · Evelyn de Morgan. Evelyn Pickering de soltera, nació en Pontefrac (Inglaterra) en 1855 en el seno de una familia de clase media alta, su padre era el magistrado de Pontefract Percival Pickering y su tío el afamado artista Rodhamn Spencer-Stanhope. Sus padres se opusieron a su temprano interés por la pintura, pero consintieron que con quince ...

  7. 14 de may. de 2020 · When Evelyn De Morgan (1855–1919) drew a floating head, dismembered arm and legless torso in the early years of the 20th century, the intent was not to create ghostly or other-worldly images. In fact, it is unlikely that she expected anyone to see these drawings at all. The English artist, who made a name for herself as the most accomplished ...