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  1. Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza. Afincado en Marly-le-Roi desde 1874 hasta 1877, Sisley dedicó a las inundaciones del Sena en marzo de 1876 un conjunto de siete obras. Las más conocidas de la serie representan el momento álgido de la crecida, con un sentido de serenidad y equilibrio más propio de una laguna que de las violentas aguas del ...

  2. Alfred Sisley. Renowned for his use of colour and depiction of light, Alfred Sisley was a leading member of the French Impressionists. Born in 1839 in Paris, Sisley’s parents, who were English, initially hoped that he would work in commerce and sent the teenager to London to study business. Sisley, however, was uninterested and spent his time ...

  3. Alfred Sisley (30 October 1839 – 29 January 1899) was an English Impressionist landscape painter. He was a British citizen, but was born, and spent most of his life, in France. Sisley is known for his Impressionist landscapes painted en plein air, that is, outdoors.

  4. Alfred Sisley, britansko - francoski impresionistični krajinski slikar, * 30. oktober 1839, Pariz, † 29. januar 1899, Moret-sur-Loing . Bil je impresionistični krajinski slikar, ki se je rodil in preživel večino svojega življenja v Franciji, vendar je obdržal britansko državljanstvo. Bil je najbolj dosleden impresionist v svoji ...

  5. Alfred Sisley. Prepare to be captivated by the striking beauty of Aflred Sisley. Named for the Impressionist landscape painter who was born and spent most of his life in France, Alfred Sisley displays an abundance of glorious burnt salmon/orange flowers splashed with stripes of creamy white. The generous production of large, frilly, and semi ...

  6. Alfred Sisley. Nació en París, el 30 octubre 1839. Según los historiadores de arte, fue el más consistente de todos los impresionistas en su dedicación a la pintura al aire libre ( «au plein air» ). Hijo de una acomodada familia británica, pasó la mayor parte de su vida en Francia aunque conservó su ciudadanía de origen.

  7. Of all the landscapes Alfred Sisley painted in and around Marly-le-Roi, where he lived from 1875 to 1878, this scene of workers dredging sand to facilitate barge traffic is perhaps the most original. Generally, the Impressionists showed the Seine River as a place of weekend leisure for Parisians, painting activities such as boating, yachting ...

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