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  1. 12 de jun. de 2020 · Buckle up, folks – this is a wild one. The year was 1942. A young Navy ensign named John F. Kennedy fell in love with a beauty queen and journalist by the name of Inga Arvad. It was less of a fairytale romance, though, and more like Romeo and Juliet: The Kennedy family disapproved of Arvad, due to her documented association with Adolf Hitler.

  2. 23 de jun. de 2003 · Inga Arvad war eine dänische Schönheitskönigin, die mit 28 Jahren bereits zwei Ehen und Begegnungen mit der gesamten NS-Elite hinter sich hatte. Arvad hatte Arthur Krock, der Journalist bei der ...

  3. 27 de oct. de 2013 · Inga Arvad was born Inga Maria Petersen on October 6, 1913 in Copenhagen, Denmark. In 1931, she changed her last name to Arvad. The tall, blond journalist was selected a beauty queen by a Danish newspaper and, according to Barbara Gibson, she also "won a beauty contest in France, which she apparently entered for the fun of it." ...

  4. 7 de may. de 2017 · Scott Farris talked about his book on the life of Inga Arvad, [Inga: Kennedy's Great Love, Hitler's Perfect Beauty, and J. Edgar Hoover's Prime Suspect], including her love affair with John F ...

  5. 24 de sept. de 2020 · Her name was Inga Arvad; he called her “Inga Binga.” (She had been seen sitting in Adolf Hitler’s box at the 1936 Olympics.) Kennedy, an officer in Naval Intelligence at the time, a job ...

  6. 3 de ago. de 2018 · FBI kunde inte knyta Inga Arvad till något nazistiskt spionage. Efter 1200 sidor utredningsmaterial upphörde kontrollen. Hon dog i cancer 1973, bara 60 år gammal. Man kan bara spekulera i vad som hade hänt om inte Inga Arvad dykt upp som Adolf Hitlers gäst på Olympiastadion 1936. Kanske hade rikets första dam hetat Inga i stället för ...

  7. Inga Arvad conoce a JFK. Cuando emigró a Nueva York unos años después, en 1940, Arvad utilizó sus entrevistas y fotos con Hitler para encontrar trabajo en los periódicos estadounidenses. Pero tras la entrada de EEUU a la segunda guerra mundial, esto no le fue muy útil. Pero aún así no demostraba que fuera una espía.