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  1. 11 de ene. de 1990 · Timothy Leary participa actualmente en programas de televisión y de radio, da conferencias, escribe libros, y, sobre todo, dice: "Creo que soy una de las personas que ha hablado con más estudiantes.

  2. Timothy Leary. Actor: Roadside Prophets. His mother was a teacher and his father a dentist. He attended West Point, joined the Army, and earned an undergraduate psychology degree at the University of Alabama while in service. Next he earned a master's degree from Washington State University and a doctorate in psychology from the University of California at Berkeley.

  3. Dr. Timothy Francis Leary (n.22 octombrie 1920 - d. 31 mai 1996) a fost un scriitor, psiholog, avocat și futurist american, cercetător al drogului psihedelic.. A fost una dintre cele mai marcante și mai controversate figuri ale anilor '60 și ai contraculturii flower power, mai ales din cauza pledoariilor sale privind beneficiile terapeutice, spirituale și emoționale ale drogului LSD.

  4. 1 de jun. de 1996 · Timothy Francis Leary was born in Springfield, Mass., in 1920, the only child of an Army captain and a woman who counted among her friends Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Following the family tradition ...

  5. 23 de ago. de 2022 · "The World Tomorrow" was a Granada Television documentary series produced for the ITV network.Subscribe to Our History: In 1967 it wa...

  6. Timothy Leary. Timothy Francis Leary (1920-1996) was a psychologist, researcher, writer, and controversial counterculture icon known for advocating the use of LSD, psilocybin, and other psychedelics under controlled conditions. Several of his catchphrases like “turn on, tune in, drop out” echoed throughout the 1960s and 1970s.

  7. Timothy Leary Psicólogo y escritor estadounidense Timothy Leary nació el 22 de octubre de 1920 en Springfield, Massachusetts.Hijo de un capitán del Ejército de Estados Unidos. Reconocido como uno de los más populares defensores del uso de las drogas psicoactivas, en especial del LSD. Inició su exploración de los estados alterados en 1960 cuando realizó un viaje a México y probó por ...

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