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  1. A ghost resembling the recently-deceased King of Denmark stalks the ramparts of Elsinore, Denmark’s royal castle, over the course of several nights, setting all the castle’s guardsmen on edge. The terrified sentinels Marcellus, Francisco, and Barnardo convince a skeptical nobleman, Horatio, to watch along with them one night.

  2. William Shakespeare was born in 1564. His father was a glove-maker and assemblyman in Stratford-upon-Avon, and his mother was the daughter of a well-to-do landowner. At 18, Shakespeare wed a woman eight years his senior, Anne Hathaway; just six months after their marriage, Hathaway gave birth to a daughter.

  3. A mote it is to trouble the mind's eye. In the most high and palmy state of Rome, A little ere the mightiest Julius fell, The graves stood tenantless, and the sheeted dead. Did squeak and gibber in the Roman streets; As stars with trains of fire, and dews of blood, Disasters in the sun; and the moist star.

  4. Resumen y sinopsis de Hamlet de William Shakespeare. La tragedia de Hamlet traza el admirable retrato de un legendario príncipe de Jutlandia, soñador, contemplativo, sumido en dudas e irresoluciones, que, obligado a esclarecer los motivos que llevaron a la muerte de su padre, sucumbe ante la fatalidad de las circunstancias.

  5. sin que el cañón a las nubes lo proclame. y mi brindis retumbe por el cielo, repitiendo el trueno de la tierra. Vamos. Salen todos menos HAMLET. HAMLET. ¡Ojalá que esta carne tan firme, tan sólida, se fundiera y derritiera hecha rocío, o el Eterno no hubiera promulgado.

  6. › wiki › HamletHamlet - Wikipedia

    Hamlet wordt nog altijd opgevoerd, affiche uit 2004. Hamlet, Prins van Denemarken (oorspronkelijk The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark), doorgaans afgekort tot Hamlet, is een toneelstuk, geschreven door William Shakespeare tussen 1600 en 1602.De tragedie is onder meer bekend vanwege de monoloog (soliloquie) To be, or not to be, die wordt uitgesproken door Hamlet, de protagonist ...

  7. › wiki › HamletHamlet – Wikipedija

    Hamlet, (slikar: William Morris Hunt, oko 1864.) Hamlet je tragedija Williama Shakespearea, ... Shakespeare je pokazao na primjeru trojice mladića kojima je ubijen otac - Hamletu, Laertu, Fortinbrasu - upotrijebivši svoju prokušanu tehniku usporednih ili višestrukih zrcala. Jukstaponirajući, stavljajući u opoziciju, slučaj dvojice ...

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