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  1. Il Jack Russell Terrier è vivace, sveglio, attivo e intelligente. Intrepido, giocherellone e socievole, è un cane estremamente energico, spesso iperattivo, che ha un bisogno matto di bruciare energia. Ama le lunghe passeggiate ma è meglio tenerlo al guinzaglio durante la caccia. Mostra tutto. Verificato da un esperto del mondo animale.

  2. Appearance. The Jack Russell Terrier breed has a compact and muscular body and can weigh anywhere between 13 to 17 pounds. However, The Jack Russell Terrier Club of America standard calls for dogs to be from 10 to 15 inches in height, whereas the AKC standard calls for a smaller range of 12 to 14 inches. JRTCA show dogs are classified into one ...

  3. All terrier breeds tend to be quick to sound the alarm at every new sight and sound. You have to be equally quick to stop them. Health problems. Jack Russell Terriers can suffer from serious eye diseases such as lens luxation and cataracts, joint diseases such as luxating patella, heart disease, epilepsy, and more.

  4. A Jack Russell Terrier stuck inside all day is a Jack Russell Terrier that may ransack the cupboards, climb the shelves, dig a hole in the sofa, or turn the books and pillows into confetti. The best way around this is to provide your Jack Russell Terrier with many diversions, and tire him out with lots of physical and mental activities. ...

  5. Der Jack Russell Terrier ist ein intelligenter und lebhafter Hund, der seinem Besitzer gegenüber absolut loyal ist. Die Jackies sind lernfähig, unerschrocken und trotz ihrer geringen Größe sportlich und ausdauernd. Aufgrund ihrer ursprünglichen Bestimmung als Jagdhund, verbringen die Hunde ihre Zeit am liebsten in der Natur.

  6. 15 de dic. de 2023 · The Jack Russell Terrier Club of America (JRTCA) is the largest Jack Russell Terrier club and registry in the world. Our site includes breeder and puppy listings, trial schedule, picture galleries, advice articles, rescue links, breed standard, events (racing, conformation, GTG, Super Earth, agility, lure coursing, trailing/locating), books.

  7. Jack Russell Terrier. LÆS MERE. Jack Russell Terrier HVALPE TIL SALG VISER 13 ANNONCER. Herunder finder du en oversigt over aktuelle kuld af racen Jack Russell Terrier, der pt. er til salg. Husk også at læse guiden til, hvad du skal være opmærksom på, inden du køber hund. 1 3 ...

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