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  1. Das Empire State Building war von seiner Fertigstellung 1931 bis 1972 das höchste Gebäude der Erde. Es hat eine strukturelle Höhe von 381 Metern (1250 Fuß) und mit Antenne eine Gesamthöhe von 443,2 Metern. Die etwa 62 Meter lange Antenne als Gebäudespitze wurde erst im Dezember 1950 nachträglich montiert. [7] Es löste am 1.

  2. Empire State Building, New York'ta bir gökdelen. Bina, Manhattan, Fifth Avenue'de 33. ve 34. caddelerin arasında yer alır.Tam olarak adresi 350 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10118 şeklindedir. 10118 aynı zamanda binanın posta kodudur. 1 Mayıs 1931 tarihinde, o güne kadar dünyanın en yüksek binası olan Chrysler Binası'nın bu unvanını elinden almıştır.

  3. O Observatório do Empire State Building tem mais de 60,000 avaliações 5 estrelas, onde visitantes de todo o mundo compartilharam sua incrível experiência no edifício mais famoso do mundo, incluindo nossas exposições interativas e vistas incríveis. Como uma lembrança “única na vida” que você não pode perder e uma das melhores ...

  4. At SUNY Empire, we believe students should be awarded credit for verifiable university-level learning and life experience gained outside a traditional classroom. In addition to transfer credit, we offer multiple ways to earn credit for prior learning, saving you time and money on your degree. Professional licensure. Standardized exams.

  5. L' Empire State Building [4] est un gratte-ciel de style Art déco situé dans l'arrondissement de Manhattan, à New York. Il est situé dans le quartier de Midtown au 350 de la 5 e Avenue, entre les 33 e et 34 e rues. Inauguré le 1 er mai 1931, il mesure 381 mètres (443,2 avec l’antenne) et compte 102 étages.

  6. The Empire State Building's main deck observatory on the 86th floor has been the setting for dozens of movie and television scenes, as well as tens of millions of unforgettable moments. The open-air observation deck wraps around the building’s spire, providing 360-degree views of New York, Brooklyn, Queens, and beyond. On the clearest days ...

  7. The Empire State Building has 103 floors, with 1,860 steps from street level to the 102nd floor observation deck. That’s serious work! Thankfully, the Empire State Building houses a whopping 73 Otis elevators, so you’ll be able to get to the top and enjoy the views without breaking a sweat. Every year we host the Empire State Building ...

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