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  1. Selim II. Selim II, Selim Opój, Selim Pijak (tur. Mest; ur. 28 maja 1524, zm. 12 – 15 grudnia 1574) – sułtan z dynastii Osmanów, panujący w latach 1566–1574. Rozpoczął erę słabych, niezdolnych militarnie i politycznie sułtanów. Ogromny wpływ na niego miała jego pierwsza żona, Nurbanu. Był najmniej zdolnym z rodzeństwa i ...

  2. 25 de jun. de 2022 · Tras dos años de duros enfrentamientos, en los que el Imperio se desgastó profundamente, Maximiliano II firmó con Selim II la paz de Adrianópolis (Edirne) el 7 de febrero de 1568. Por el mismo se fijaba el cese de las incursiones de ambas facciones en territorios enemigos por ocho años, se mantenían los territorios conquistados ...

  3. 27 de feb. de 2023 · His father Selim subsequently used Caffa as a center of operations in his bid to replace the ruling sultan, Bayezid II (r. 1481-1512). After becoming sultan in 1512, Selim I (r. 1512-1520) killed his brothers and nephews, stopped the advance of the millenarian Safavid movement into the Ottoman territories by defeating its leader Ismail in 1514 ...

  4. Selim II is the 65th most popular politician (down from 39th in 2019), the 9th most popular biography from Türkiye (down from 7th in 2019) and the 3rd most popular Politician. Selim II was the Ottoman Sultan from 1566 to 1574. He is most famous for his military conquests in the Mediterranean, which included Cyprus, Rhodes, and Malta.

  5. Selim II ( Ottoman Turkish: سليم ثانى Selīm-i sānī, Turkish: II. Selim; 28 May 1524 – 15 December 1574), also known as Selim the Blonde ( Turkish: Sarı Selim) or Selim the Drunk ( Turkish: Sarhoş Selim), was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1566 until his death in 1574. He was a son of Suleiman the Magnificent and his wife ...

  6. Selim II (Ottoman Turkish: سليم ثانى Selīm-i sānī, Turkish:II.Selim) (May 28, 1524 – December 12, 1574) was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1566 until his death. He was a son of Suleiman the Magnificent (1520–66) and his favorite wife Roxelana (also known as Hürrem). While Suleiman was renowned for his commitment to justice, and called the "Lawgiver," Selim was renowned ...

  7. 17 de sept. de 2020 · La mezquita de Selim II es un poco más pequeña que la de Suleimán en Estambul, pero es más armoniosa y original, y posee los cuatro minaretes más altos de toda Turquía. Una de las cosas que más sorprenden al visitar las mezquitas proyectadas por Sinan es, además de la iluminación, los huevos de avestruz que cuelgan de los grandes aros ...