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  1. In the summer of 1980 freshman pitcher Jake moves into an old college house with his new rowdy teammates. Together they must navigate their way between girls parties and baseball all in the last weekend before school begins. From writer and director Richard Linklater (Boyhood Dazed and Confused) comes the movie that proves good times never get old.

  2. In the summer of 1980 freshman pitcher Jake moves into an old college house with his new rowdy teammates. Together they must navigate their way between girls parties and baseball all in the last weekend before school begins. From writer and director Richard Linklater (Boyhood Dazed and Confused) comes the movie that proves good times never get old.

  3. Jake (Blake Jenner) landet nach der High School bei einer etablierten College-Mannschaft. Dort wimmelt es von Angebern, Frauenhelden und Draufgängern, für die alles außer Sport und Schule im Vordergrund steht. Mit Mutproben, Partys, Kiffen und Alkohol vertreiben sie sich die Tage und versuchen bei den Frauen zu landen. Dabei treffen sie auch auf Beverly (Zoey Deutch), die nur Augen für ...

  4. On Texasin kuuma kesä vuonna 1980. Baseballstipendin saanut Jake muuttaa opintojensa perässä vanhaan omakotitaloon, jossa koko joukkue asuu tulevat opiskeluvuodet. Talossa on vain kaksi sääntöä -ei tyttöjä talon yläkertaan ja alkoholin nauttiminen on tiukasti kielletty. Säännöt on toki tehty rikottavaksi ja ennen koulun alkua heillä on yksi viikonloppu aikaa hitsata tiimihenki ...

  5. Todos queremos algo está en el puesto 176 en los Rankings Diarios de Streaming de JustWatch hoy. La película subió 129 puestos en los rankings desde ayer. En México, en este momento es más popular que Cómo entrenar a tu dragón pero menos popular que Los juegos del hambre.

  6. In the summer of 1980 freshman pitcher Jake moves into an old college house with his new rowdy teammates. Together they must navigate their way between girls parties and baseball all in the last weekend before school begins. From writer and director Richard Linklater (Boyhood Dazed and Confused) comes the movie that proves good times never get old.

  7. In the summer of 1980 freshman pitcher Jake moves into an old college house with his new rowdy teammates. Together they must navigate their way between girls parties and baseball all in the last weekend before school begins. From writer and director Richard Linklater (Boyhood Dazed and Confused) comes the movie that proves good times never get old.