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  1. Inspection report: The Camden School for Girls 8 and 9 June 2022 2 What is it like to attend this school? Camden School for Girls is a calm, caring place where pupils aim high. Staff help pupils to develop considerate attitudes and an awareness of the wider world. Leaders are ambitious for all their pupils. They encourage pupils to live up to the

  2. La Camden School for Girls est une école secondaire de filles, proposant la mixité pour la préparation au A-level mixte, située dans le borough londonien de Camden, au nord de Londres.Elle compte environ mille élèves âgés de onze à dix-huit ans et dispose du statut d'école spécialisée en musique [1].L'école a longtemps été associée à l'avancement de l'éducation des jeunes filles.

  3. History: The department buy in the revision guides, so students will either have these already or can purchase these in Y11.

  4. The Camden School for Girls Parent Reviews. % Parents Recommend This School. 1. My child is happy at this school. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know UNLOCK Figures based on 152 responses up to 15-06-2022. Responses taken from Ofsted Parent View.

  5. Design and Technology can: Develop creativity and innovation. Promote understanding of the technological development of society and sensitivity for its continuation in a responsible and sustainable way. Provide a framework for reasoning when making choices as consumers of the 21st Century. Encourage individuality, originality and creative ...