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  1. Life and family. Claude was born in Lowndes Square, London, the son of Claude Bowes-Lyon, 13th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne, and his wife, the former Frances Dora Smith. His younger brother Patrick Bowes-Lyon was a tennis player who won the 1887 Wimbledon doubles.. After being educated at Eton College he received a commission in the 2nd Life Guards in 1876, and served for six years until ...

  2. 10 de oct. de 2023 · Claude George Bowes-Lyon was the 14th and 1st Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne (Scottish and UK peerage). The son of Claude Bowes-Lyon, 13th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne, he succeeded his father to the earldom in February 1904. Along with the earldom, he got quite a few estates as an inheritance. Known to be a true landowner, he would often ...

  3. Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon era la nona di dieci figli di Claude Bowes-Lyon, XIV Conte di Strathmore e Kinghorne e di Cecilia Cavendish-Bentinck, la quale era discendente del primo ministro britannico William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, III duca di Portland e del Governatore generale dell'India Richard Wellesley, che era a sua volta fratello minore di un altro primo ministro inglese, Arthur Wellesley ...

  4. Claude George Bowes-Lyon, Earl dari Strathmore dan Kinghorne ke-14 (14 Maret 1855 - 7 November 1944), bergelar Tuan Glamis dari 1865 - 1944, adalah seorang bangsawan Inggris dan tuan tanah yang merupakan ayah dari Ratu Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, dan kakek dari Ratu Elizabeth II dari sisi ibunya. Claude Bowes-Lyon. Claude Bowes-Lyon, 1923.

  5. Biografia. Ele foi o terceiro filho de Thomas Bowes-Lyon, Lorde Glamis filho primogênito de Thomas Bowes-Lyon, 11º Conde de Strathmore e Kinghorne e de sua esposa Charlotte Grimstead. [1]Carreira. Em 1865, Claude sucedeu seu irmão mais velho Thomas na herança de títulos paternos tendo assim se tornando o 13º Conde de Strathmore e Kinghorne. [1]Em 1887 foi criado o título de Barão Bowes ...

  6. Claude George Bowes-Lyon, 14th and 1st Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne, (14 March 1855 – 7 November 1944) was a landowner, the father of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother and the maternal grandfather of Queen Elizabeth II. From 1937 he was known as 14th and 1st Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne, as he was the 14th Earl in the peerage of Scotland but the 1st Earl in the peerage of the United ...

  7. Claude Bowes-Lyon nacque a Lowndes Square a Londra, figlio di Claude Bowes-Lyon, XIII Conte di Strathmore e Kinghorne e di sua moglie, Frances Dora Smith. Suo fratello minore, Patrick Bowes-Lyon fu un valente tennista e vinse la finale del doppio al Torneo di Wimbledon nel 1887.Dopo aver frequentato il College di Eton intraprese la carriera militare ed ottenne il comando del 2º reggimento di ...