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  1. Count Wilhelm von Bismarck-Schönhausen (1852-1901) was a German counselor, civil servant and politician, who served as a member of the Reichstag from 1880 to 1881 and president of the Regency of Hanover from 1889 to 1890. The youngest son of Otto von Bismarck, he and his brother Herbert von Bismarck both resigned their posts after the elder Bismarck was dismissed as Chancellor of Germany in 1890.

  2. 奧托·愛德華·利奧波德·馮· 俾 ㄅㄧˋ 斯麥 (德語: Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck ;1815年4月1日—1898年7月30日),又稱俾斯麥-申豪森伯爵( Graf von Bismarck-Schönhausen ;1865年),俾斯麥親王( Fürst von Bismarck ;1871年), 勞恩堡 公爵 ( Herzog zu Lauenburg ;1890年) [註 ...

  3. Nikolaus Heinrich Ferdinand Herbert, Prince[lower-alpha 1] of Bismarck (born Nikolaus Heinrich Ferdinand Herbert Graf von Bismarck-Schönhausen;[lower-alpha 2] 28 December 1849 – 18 September 1904) was a German politician, who served as Foreign Secretary from 1886 to 1890. His political career was closely tied to that of his father, Otto von Bismarck, and he left office a few days after his ...

  4. Otto von Bismarck / ˈ ɔ t o f ɔ n ˈ b ɪ s m a ʁ k / [note 1] Écouter, duc de Lauenburg et prince de Bismarck, né le 1 er avril 1815 à Schönhausen et mort le 30 juillet 1898 à Friedrichsruh, est un homme d'État prussien puis allemand.. Il est à la fois ministre-président du royaume de Prusse de 1862 à 1890 et chancelier de la confédération de l'Allemagne du Nord de 1867 à 1871 ...

  5. I. Herbert von Bismarck to Count Kuno zu Rantzau[1] Varzin, October 21, 1881 Dear Kuno, […] Yesterday a senior civil servant from Danzig came by to give a report on the election prospects there. His name is Paschke and he is head of the local conservative election office. He said the outlook was still

  6. Wirken. Herbert von Bismarck, ein Großneffe Fürst Otto von Bismarcks, wurde am 29. Aug. 1884 in Stettin geboren, wo er das König-Wilhelm-Gymnasium bis 1903 besuchte. Danach studierte er Jura an den Universitäten München, Lausanne, Berlin und Greifswald. Im Jahre 1906 bestand er das Referendarexamen.

  7. Herbert von Bismarck - Franz von Lenbach . Ofertas Artistas Colecciones Bestseller Cargar Foto Estilos Clásicos Colores Museos Novedades TELEFONO; FORMULARIO DE CONTACTO; INFORMACIONES LEGALES; Mis datos » Mis pedidos » Mis comentarios » Mi lista de deseos » IMPRESIÓN CUADROS ...