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  1. Vanessa Redgravová CBE (angl. Vanessa Redgrave; * 30. január 1937, Londýn, Spojené kráľovstvo) je britská herečka a politická aktivistka. Ide o zrejme najznámejšiu členku významnej britskej hereckej a divadelníckej rodiny Redgraveových, nositeľku cien Tony, Grammy, BAFTA, Zlatého glóbusu a Oscara.. Pochádza z významnej a početnej hereckej rodiny, ktorej umelecké korene ...

  2. Vanessa Redgrave (London, 30. siječnja 1937.) engleska je kazališna, filmska i televizijska glumica. Životopis. Potječe iz poznate glumačke obitelji Redgrave, njeni roditelji Michael Redgrave i Rachel Kempson, braća Corin Redgrave i Lynn Redgrave, i kćeri Joely Richardson i Natasha Richardson također su glumci i glumice. U kazalištu ...

  3. Vanessa Redgrave. Actress: Coriolanus. On January 30, 1937, renowned theatre actor Michael Redgrave was performing in a production of Hamlet in London. During the curtain call, the show's lead, Laurence Olivier, announced to the audience: "tonight a great actress was born". This was in reference to his co-star's newborn daughter, Vanessa ...

  4. 30 de ene. de 2024 · Película sobre la vida tormentosa de la precursora de la danza moderna Isadora Duncan, protagonizada por Vanessa Redgrave, quien encarna con sutileza el verdadero rostro de la bailarina, quedando en el imaginario de los espectadores de manera permanente. Redgrave luce impresionante y es gracias a ella que esta cinta se ha convertido no solo en ...

  5. Vanessa Redgrave (født 30. januar 1937 i London i England) er en britisk skuespiller.. For sin rolle som «Julia» i filmen Julia vant hun en Oscar for beste kvinnelige birolle i 1977.Hun ble utnevnt til kommandør av Order of the British Empire i 1967.. Redgrave ble kjent i 1961 da hun spilte Rosalind i Som dere vil ha det med Royal Shakespeare Company og har siden hatt mer enn 35 ...

  6. Vanessa Redgrave és coneguda al Regne Unit com a activista política d'extrema esquerra. Militant trotskista, ha estat candidata del Workers Revolutionary Party a diverses eleccions. La seva militància a favor de Palestina li ha suposat certes polèmiques amb associacions jueves dels Estats Units .

  7. Dame Vanessa Redgrave DBE (Blackheath, London, England, 30 January 1937) is an English actress and activist. Life and career. Born in a theatrical family, her father was actor Sir Michael Redgrave (1908-1985). Her mother was actress Rachel Kempson (1910-2003). Her brother Corin ...

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