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  1. 13 de abr. de 1999 · Desmond Morris was born in 1928. He became the curator of mammals at London Zoo in 1959, a post he held for eight years. In 1967 he published The Naked Ape which sold over ten million copies worldwide.An accomplished artist, television presenter, and filmmaker, Desmond Morris has been published in over 36 countries.

  2. 16 de nov. de 2010 · In 1967 he published The Naked Ape which has sold over 10 million copies worldwide and has changed the way we view our own species forever. An accomplished artist, TV presenter, film maker and writer, Desmond Morris's books have been published in over thirty-six countries. Customer reviews. 4.6 out of 5 stars ...

  3. The Naked Ape ’s view that the behavior of humans was determined largely by their biology and that humans share many characteristics with animals, particularly apes, was offensive to many ...

  4. The Naked Ape: A Zoologist's Study of the Human Animal Taschenbuch – 27. Oktober 1994. Here is the Naked Ape at his most primal - in love, at work, at war. Meet man as he really is: relative to the apes, stripped of his veneer as we see him courting, making love, sleeping, socialising, grooming, playing. Zoologist Desmond Morris's classic ...

  5. 16 de dic. de 2014 · Vượn trần trụi. Thùy Hương. Nguồn: Tia sáng. Khi nói về Vượn trần trụi*, rất nhiều độc giả phương Tây nhận định, đó là một trong những cuốn sách có tầm ảnh hưởng lớn tới họ về nhân sinh quan. Ra đời vào thời điểm năm 1967, Vượn trần trụi đã gây ra một cơn ...

  6. El mono desnudo (ISBN 978-970-780241-4) (The Naked Ape, en el original en inglés) es un libro de divulgación científica publicado en 1967 por el zoólogo y etólogo británico Desmond Morris que estudia las características animales que hacen peculiar a la especie humana. A este libro le siguió en 1969 El zoológico humano (The Human Zoo, también traducido como El zoo humano), en el cual ...

  7. Der nackte Affe (engl. The Naked Ape. A Zoologist's Study of the Human Animal) ist ein 1967 erschienenes Buch des britischen Zoologen Desmond Morris. Morris beschreibt darin wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse über die Entwicklungsgeschichte und das Wesen von Menschen laienverständlich. Es wurde in 23 Sprachen übersetzt und in mehreren ...