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  1. Querying Prometheus. Prometheus provides a functional query language called PromQL (Prometheus Query Language) that lets the user select and aggregate time series data in real time. The result of an expression can either be shown as a graph, viewed as tabular data in Prometheus's expression browser, or consumed by external systems via the HTTP API.

  2. 10 de may. de 2023 · La semilla de ‘Prometheus’ empezó a plantarse a principios de los 2000, con la saga aún fresca tras el estreno de ‘Alien: Resurrection’. Por aquel entonces Ridley Scott y James Cameron ...

  3. 17 de mar. de 2012 · Get Tickets! the distant future, two superpowers control Earth and fight each other for all the solar system's...

  4. The Prometheus server is a single binary called prometheus (or prometheus.exe on Microsoft Windows). We can run the binary and see help on its options by passing the --help flag../prometheus --help usage: prometheus [<flags>] The Prometheus monitoring server . . . Before starting Prometheus, let's configure it. Configuring Prometheus

  5. Enable Prometheus's dimensional data model to identify any given combination of labels for the same metric name. It identifies a particular dimensional instantiation of that metric (for example: all HTTP requests that used the method POST to the /api/tracks handler). The query language allows filtering and aggregation based on these dimensions.

  6. En 2012, antes del lanzamiento de Prometheus, el director Ridley Scott comenzó a insinuar sobre una posible secuela. [31] [32] [33] Scott dijo que una secuela seguiría a Shaw a su próximo destino, "porque si es paraíso, el paraíso no puede ser lo que usted piensa que es. El paraíso puede ser extremadamente siniestro y ominoso".

  7. The Prometheus lands near a large artificial structure, which a team explores. Inside they find numerous stone cylinders, a monolithic statue of a humanoid head, and the corpse of a large alien, thought to be an Engineer. They find other bodies and presume the species is extinct. David secretly takes a cylinder, while the remaining cylinders ...

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