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  1. Alicia ya no: feminismo, semiótica, cine. Alicia ya no. : Teresa De Lauretis. Universitat de València, 1992 - Social Science - 295 pages. Para la autora lo importante es reconer en el título de Alicia ya no la oposición incondicional del feminismo a las relaciones sociales existentes, su rechazo a las definiciones y valores culturales dados ...

  2. Teresa de Lauretis. Tecnologías del género. El punto de partida de las discusiones, las reglas y los límites seguiría siendo marcado por los hombres-blancos-propietarios. El texto presenta un "Glosario" con un conjunto de nociones útiles para el estudio de las actuales sociedades contemporáneas hipermediatizadas.

  3. Con prólogo de Carolina Meloni, ponemos de nuevo sobre la mesa capítulos fundamentales para situarnos en el Feminismo actual. Título: Diferencias Autora: Teresa de Lauretis Prologuista: Carolina Meloni Idioma: Castellano Encuadernación: Rústica Fecha de lanzamiento: abril 2024 ISBN: 978-84-96004-74-0 P.V.P: 18€ «La construcción y Ia ...

  4. › feminism › LauretisTeresa de Lauretis

    Teresa de Lauretis was born and educated in Italy, where she received her doctorate in Modern Languages and Literatures from Bocconi University in Milan. She came to the United States shortly after completing her degree and taught Italian, comparative literatures, women's studies, and film studies at several American universities, including the ...

  5. Teresa de Lauretis, Professor of the History of Consciousness at the University of California, Santa Cruz, is the author of Alice Doesn't: Feminism, Semiotics, Cinema and the editor of Feminist Studies/Critical Studies. She is also general editor of the series "Theories of Representation and Difference "for Indiana University Press.

  6. › feminism › LauretisTeresa de Lauretis

    Teresa de Lauretis was born and educated in Italy, where she received her doctorate in Modern Languages and Literatures from Bocconi University in Milan. She came to the United States shortly after completing her degree and taught Italian, comparative literatures, women's studies, and film studies at several American universities, including the ...

  7. Teresa de Lauretis is Professor of the History of Consciousness at the University of California, Santa Cruz. She is the author of Alice Doesn't: Feminism, Semiotics, Cinema and Technologies of Gender and the editor of Feminist Studies/Critical Studies and of Queer Theory: Lesbian and Gay Sexualities (a special issue of the journal differences).

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