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  1. Christopher Isherwood (1904-1986) was one of the most celebrated writers of his generation. He left Cambridge without graduating, briefly studied medicine and then turned to writing his first novels, All the Conspirators and The Memorial. Between 1929 and 1939 he lived mainly abroad, spending four years in Berlin and writing the novels Mr Norris Changes Trains and Goodbye to Berlin on which ...

  2. Christopher William Bradshaw Isherwood ( 26. srpna 1904 – 4. ledna 1986) byl britský spisovatel naturalizovaný ve Spojených státech (americké občanství získal roku 1946 ). Byl znám svou inspirací ve východních filozofiích a svou životní zkušeností jakožto otevřeně homosexuálního muže. Ve 30. letech pobýval v Německu.

  3. The Christopher Isherwood Foundation aims to preserve the creative legacy of the Anglo-American writer Christopher Isherwood and the American painter Don Bachardy by keeping their work available to the public in published and unpublished form and by promoting through any appropriate means the enjoyment and study of their work and the unique way of life which allowed them to produce it.

  4. Goodbye to Berlin is a 1939 novel by Anglo-American writer Christopher Isherwood set during the waning days of the Weimar Republic.The novel recounts Isherwood's 1929–1932 sojourn as a pleasure-seeking British expatriate on the eve of Adolf Hitler's ascension as Chancellor of Germany and consists of a "series of sketches of disintegrating Berlin, its slums and nightclubs and comfortable ...

  5. A Single Man is a 1964 novel by Christopher Isherwood.. Set in Southern California during 1962, shortly after the Cuban Missile Crisis, it depicts one day in the life of George, a middle-aged Englishman who is a professor at a Los Angeles university. The university might reflect CSULA, where Christopher Isherwood taught for some time.The novel is also believed to be informed by a crisis in ...

  6. Christopher William Bradshaw-Isherwood est un écrivain britannique naturalisé américain en 1946. Né dans une vieille famille anglaise, Christopher Isherwood entre au collège de Corpus Christi et y rencontre deux poètes qui resteront ses amis : Stephen Spender et Wystan Hugh Auden. Avec eux, il voyage en Europe, puis s'installe à Berlin ...

  7. Christopher W. B. Isherwood (High Lane, Cheshire, Anglaterra, 26 d'agost de 1904 - Santa Monica, Califòrnia, 4 de gener de 1986) va ser un escriptor anglès.. Amic i col·laborador de W.H. Auden, amb qui escrigué diverses obres teatrals, és més conegut per l'obra narrativa, en la qual descriu la societat berlinesa llibertina dels anys 1920-30 fins que l'ascens del nazisme va capgirar tot ...